A Day in Just Royal Bcn

Sun shines as the streets are filled with lots of people and colors: Winter is over and the Spring has finally arrived. From our window in Just Royal’s headquarters, Plaza Reial, Barcelona, you can watch life surrounding every corner of this amazing city: The comes and goes of people on a never ending stream; the shops and restaurants with their doors fully open, welcoming the newcomers; the blossom combined with the sea-breeze that reaches the city from the coast and fills your lungs with joy and a burning desire to live the moment, to experience it all; the enchant of a modern city that preserves its history, its past as its most treasured gift. This is Barcelona, a mix of everything, a place in the world where the word multiculturalism means reality.
With us you will learn how to cook traditional Mediterranean dishes
And so the day begins. We wake up early so we have time to prepare our space to receive you. Yes, you have a date with us, when our workshop (Which one? Mediterranean? Rices? A Thousand Dressings? Vintage? Cocktails? Pastry?… you name it! Choose the one that suits you best!) starts. This is it, your vacations begin in our beloved space, a space where you can feel as comfortable as at home, a priviledged space because of its location (Barcelona’s center), size (80 m2), amenities and décor. With us you will learn how to cook traditional Mediterranean dishes, lauded as the most healthy food in the world. But first, after meeting each other in Plaza Reial, we will take a short walk to La Boqueria market, one of the many magical corners this city has, named Best World Market by Markets World Congress, Washington DC, 2006. Once in there, we will carefully select the products (from vegetables and fruits to all kind of meats) we will use during our workshops. Back in Just Royal our workshop begins when put it on our aprons. As our chef Alferdo Rodriguez says: This is the moment when the magic begins, because that is the first element that introduces us to the amaizing world of cooking.

The hours will flow, you will cook your own meal following the instructions and recommendations our team will provide you with and learn how to become a truly Spanish cook! But wait! That is not all. We will cook, yes, of course, but we will also eat, as we believe this is the main idea of a workshop: To taste what we have done! You will laugh, cook and enjoy a delicious meal, and in the end we are sure this experience will be one of the funniest and most enjoyable you will have when visiting Barcelona.