Mediterranean Diet and Just Royal Bcn, a Happy Marriage

Is not a secret to anyone that the Mediterranean diet has become one of the most popular diets around the world because of its many qualities and benefits in favor of a good health. Following the traditional dietary patterns of Greece, Southern Italy, and Spain, this diet includes a proportionally high consumption of olive oil, legumes, unrefined cereals, fruits, and vegetables, as well as a moderate to high consumption of fish, dairy products, and wine, and low consumption of meat and meat products.
The Mediterranean diet can help you improve your life
Want to prevent Alzheimer? Or maybe strengthen your brain against dementia? What about your heart’s health? Or the fact that, in general, and when it comes to health issues, the Mediterranean diet can help you improve your life and make you a healthier person? And we could keep adding medical research results and facts such as this type of diet happens to be good for the environment too.
With the workshops and experiences in Just Royal Bcn you will learn how to cook traditional Mediterranean dishes, lauded as the most healthy food, in our privileged place at Barcelona’s downtown. We assure you that you will have the time of you life learning how to cook delicious and healthy dishes in the funniest workshops you will find in Barcelona. Come and visit us and enjoy with your friends and family a singular experience during your stay in Barcelona!